Sending more than two replies in a row

For topics like this one

Would be nice. I get the editing your last post, but the format on the new pictures could get a little lost or the new pictures may not go with the “set” so to say.

Example. Post a reply with 3 pictures one day, no new posts by another user, so you edit your last post and add 2 more pictures. You’ve now got a string of 5 photos. Some of those photos could be a different set, different style, different lighting. If you’re trying to gauge what people “like” can’t really do that since you can only “like” a post once.
What if the new photos are no buano? Or they’re of dv888’s in the wild? Can’t “unlike” a post after a certain amount of time.

This is just an example of how multiple posts in a row by one person can be helpful.