I haven’t played in years and am currently cleaning out my room. I had previously kept my collection for sentimental value but now it is time to move on. Everything pictured is for sale please message for more details of a specific yoyo. All CLYW’s come with the original box. The only yoyo’s that have significant damage is the YYF DV888, nova, Phenom, and grey and orange specked CLYW Sasquatch. The Berry Arctic Circle and Green Chief were once part of Chris Mikulin’s personal collection.
Trying to figure out how to pm, haha, new user here. Is that a Campfire I see or is it the Bonfire? Would love to speak to you about it, thanks so much. And thank you for this post as well!
New users aren’t given the ability to PM right away. Read a couple more topics, Like some posts and then you’ll be granted the trust level that allows PMs.
Awesome got it, that’s what I figured. When I signed up I had saw that down at the bottom of the yoyobot notification i received. Just wanted to make sure I was not missing it somewhere, haha. Thank you again.
Honestly, I still pick up a yo-yo now and then and I still enjoy playing but work and my University studies take up the majority of my time these days.