Seeking opinions on next throw - I want something artistic?

I am going minimal and practical. I’d like just a few pieces of functional art.

What I have so far:

  1. Affogato Onedrop M1 - This will serve as my pocket throw
  2. Watermelon RBC - My metal responsive

What I would like your opinion on:
As you can see above, I’m trying to find some of the best of the best anodization jobs, on throws that are proven. I need a main player. If it’s older, even better, and if it has a nice blast on it for grinding, even better.

Thank you for your advice, I’m fine with using BST to obtain

Goal here- 3 yoyos to play possibly rest of life. Done with the addiction for more, want to focus on just playing

Bonus points for posting a pic


man I’m starting to feel this! I’ve really begun thinking I’m getting distracted chasing yoyos i dont “need” persay instead of just focusing on honing the craft. im planting my flag as a player first and a collector a distant second. i know that doesnt answer your question ultimitely just wanted to relate lol


I misread the title and was really confused for a moment. I need more coffee…


Yeah, it’s poor wording on my part.

Should read. I need a pretty yoyo, suggestions?


Short answer something modded or dyed. A higby painted YoYo would fit so good in my collection. Got to commission someone when I have some money to do something artsy to a YoYo cause that’s not in my skills


Agreed, whatever I get will be my main player and I’m just concerned to have it be plastic.

I might try and save for a Peak, but man that’s expensive lol


counter point, if its supposed to last you forever from here on, its cost over time isnt as bad. say it over and over until you believe. then splurge on a mowl obsession+


Find another Hatrick?


Agreed that splurging on a Peak since it’ll be a forever throw is justifiable.

The Hatrick is on my short list, but with it being 50mm I want to go bigger, and the M1 is 50mm

The PeakHand is something I look forward to hearing more about. The Gold Nugget is gorgeous


I vote for a Chief from a Onedrop made run. Timeless yoyo with great quality and great colourways.


Good call, it’s a well rounded throw, and the Jack Rabbit colorway has always spoken to me. It’s added to the list

I figure I’ll make a list and then make a BST and whichever hits first I’ll pursue.


Did OD make the 1g lighter runs? I second this, the worst thing I ever did was sell my lighter chief.

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Grab a throw from MonkeyfingeR, some of the coolest ano jobs out there.


I have never had a monkey, but yes, I gotta find a model that meets my boomer needs and put it in the list

I am normally frugle but will budget about $400 in whatever I go with

I appreciate the recommendations

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Pdx-yo swamp monster in the swamp ooze colorway comes to mind. Not super old or new, released in 2018. Great playing mono with sharp spikes to matador and wild looking annno. Finish is nice and grinds well. They were going for an oxidized copper look, similar to the statue of liberty.


can’t help, I’m sorry, it seems impossible to live alone with 3 yo-yos;)


What about OD Seven Summits. With the SE you can really dial in the play feel.


Thank you, those are pretty. And yes, your right, I should truly consider something that uses side effects.

I would recommend something like a G2 covenant or banshee SS, G2 is basically functional art (that’s the point of their company!). I would also recommend getting a bimetal (maybe like a TP MSG). That yo-yo is very pretty irl (the blue color is gorgeous), and it plays incredibly well, slow and pretty. And then I would also recommend getting some kind of classic yoyo, (dark magic 2 is great). Sometimes the old school classic look of a yoyo is just what you need!

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I don’t have pictures of the covenant or banshee I had, their colors were boring.
Here’s my MSG

And here’s my DM2

Maybe get a CLYW Avanlanche (in salmon fade too!) one of my favorite yo-yos aswell.