Rule clarification for bst plz

I’ve noticed since in the bst there are often threads stating that the seller/trader doesn’t currently have a certain yo but will be receiving it shortly. The rules state that items must be in the sellers/traders possesion to be listed. Does this rule mean physically in ones possesion or can it be on its way?


I’d actually like this rule enforced. I kinda get sick of the flipper mentality, but I know it’s what some people do. I’d just appreciate them being a bit more subtle about it.

Items offered for trade or for sale should be for sure CONFIRMED in the seller/trader’s control and possession.

Similarly, I have a couple of yoyos I’ve been waiting to come back to me for some time now. They are finally on their way and should get them any day now. However, neither will ever be sold or traded or given away.

Flipper mentality doesn’t bother me much but it seems unfair to sell a yoyo that you haven’t personally played, touched or even seen. I might just not be comfortable with this due in part to having traded on other forums where selling/trading an object that’s not in your physical possesion is considered a sign of a possible scammer. However this is a different forum and I’ve not been here that long and I’m just trying to get a feel for this nuance. I’m not trying to cause problems or call anyone out.

Seems like something the moderators need to weigh in on definitively. I interpreted it to mean that the yoyo needed to be physically in your possession - and there’s a number of reasons why I think that’s a smart rule to have in place.

I’m concerned about someone who is flipping and waiting, where they sell the item, then the item is taking forever to arrive to the flipper, who can’t then ship it to the new buyer, who may already be flipping it and may have even sold it…

My thoughts, flipping or not aside:
Gotta be in your hands. Period. That way there’s no problems unless you’re slow to ship as a trader or seller.

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Oh you should never agree to give something away before you actually have it, what if it doesn’t come…? I always put a list of what’s in the mail on my thread but I’m not gonna agree on a deal before it gets here.

There doesn’t seem to be a definitive answer to this question or people are discussing it behind the seens. For myself if I see that people are offering yoyo’s that they have not yet touched I’ll trade elsewhere, just because I feel it’s much safer. It’s kind of a bummer though as I’ve seen some enticing trades lately but scammers do know how to entice! (Not saying any of you are scammers just saying be careful and gl.)

If someone doesn’t have the yoyo and can’t post pictures of the product they are selling, then I don’t do business with them. I think that’s why many of the ads here get bumped for ages and nothing ever sells. People are wary of them.

Would you want to buy something sight-unseen from what is essentially a stranger?

Then there are guys who do everything right and are still endlessly bumping, even with good prices.