Rhode Island Yo-Yo Club (See New Thread)

3/3:30. Not sure if he wants us there earlier for this special club or not. I hope so two hours isn’t a lot of time for a club. But yes generally about that time. Feel free to stop by :slight_smile:

We only get our space from 3:30 - 5, but I almost always show about at around 3, and end up leaving after 5. Please stop in!

I’m Still working on it but it looks good that I will be there.

For what it’s worth, if you come to the club meeting this weekend, you will be the first yo-yoers on the east coast to try the new One Drop plastic yoyo prototype

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Oh sweet that’s awesome!

Want to convince Mom… It’s only a 2 hour drive… ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Pre-production models for sale? ::slight_smile:

Nothing for sale, just for you to try

IMPORTANT Graeme will be going off to college :frowning: so he it is going to be much less often that he is able to attend yoyo club, so this thread is done and please post about if you can attend club this month, or any questions in the new thread linked here, http://yoyoexpert.com/forums/index.php/topic,63002.0.html
This thread will be used for all further updates about the club. Thanks!

Anyone still meet?