Hey guys, I am a returning yoyo player after quitting for several years, I am finally back at it because I remembered how fun it was. I have a few questions. I just ordered a Pragma and was wondering if yoyos that you buy from here at YoyoExpert, comes with the bearings pre-lubed?
It depends on the manufacturer. Yoyoexpert doesn’t open each yoyo and lube the bearings before shipping if that’s what you’re asking
Usually the factories put a little lube in the bearings, it’s kind of a lottery but it happened to me couple of times to receive yoyos incredibly responsive because the bearing was lube very much, it is rare but can happen, I would say that you should be generally fine with a yoyo perfectly able to work out of the box
Welcome back!!
I remember you. Welcome back!
Thanks a bunch for the help guys.
Thanks Shwa and Vegabomb for the welcome back.
Vegabomb, you have a great memory!
Yeah welcome back. I also remember you.
Welcome back to the forums! I believe the YYF Pragma doesn’t come prelubed so it should be playing fine out of the box, unless some dirt gets into the bearing during the shipping process, then you’ll have to clean the bearing.