Returning to yoyoing after a Long Break

Hi there, I’ve been into yoyos almost all my life. Most of it being throwing the responsive 2 second sleep time plastic junk that was available in my local markets. But then i saw gentry’s 2015’s Nationals and it opened a whole new world of professional yoyos to me.
I didn’t have much money in middle school but my friend who was richer bought a magic yoyo t5 and i used to play with it and learnt the basic bind and very basic tricks on it.
Fast forward to right in the beginning of 2020 I bought my first unresponsive yoyo and had a blast with it…
Soon I added my dream yoyo at the time the replay pro in my arsenal and oh boy I had FUN with it. things went on and I bought a few more yoyos for my collection.

But then Idk what went wrong I just quit yoyoing all together and my yoyos were collecting dust in a corner. But recently I’ve picked up yoyoing again and I want to learn advanced yoyo tricks but I am a bit confused and all over the place regarding what to learn. Can anyone recommend me some tricks and combos to learn ? I can comfortably do the first 50 yotricks and tricks like yuuki slack and a few more.

Sorry for the whole story but I just wanted to write :wink:


Yo welcome back!

Please check out the trick a week thread! Each week we learn new tricks together. This weeks is a little difficult but click around and check out some past weeks to see some cool tricks and find something around your level. Maybe start with the figure 8 rail from when we did the rewind tutorial bonanza a few weeks ago.


My favourite unresponsive tricks, in order of difficulty are:

  • Double or Nothing
  • Kwijibo
  • Spirit Bomb (this one took me a long time to master)

These are all side style tricks so you will be best to get a good feel for throwing breakaway - which I remember took me a while to get the hang of when I started.

Have fun!


Lol just saw that you can do the first 50 tricks. Nevermind :slight_smile:

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Henry pointed out the TAW thread!! Great place to handpick a few that you like. Do keep in mind that at the top of the thread there are links to past years! It’s a great resource for a ton of stuff! It could keep you busy for well, the next 4 years. Maybe 4 months if your learning curve is as quick as Henry’s :smiley: GL and welcome back.


haha its all fine thanks for replying :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for this! I will check this out for sure

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