
I have a M1. When I got my slick 6 string it shreaded the silicone. What response should I get that wont get shreaded and will make it unresponsive. (will smooth gen pads work?)

Well, if you have a silicone gap M1, then I suggest using silicone. However, try to make the response flush (lined up with the top of the recess) if it overflows abit, it may cut. If it is a pad M1, I strongly suggest using pads.

ya I have a pad

I suggest getting these in 13.7 mm: (Get the silicone stickers)

But I agree, make sure it doesnt overflow. Also, Gen-Pads were made for the 5Star which has a much deeper recess then an M1. It will work, but it will be sticking out a bit.

Well, if you’re using a pad response yoyo, I would think it wise to use pads! Go with Samad’s description. I also like to use AnY pads.

kk ty