Response pads and bearings

Hey guys, I have some old yoyos and it looks like the response pads are a bit junk. Is there a solid all around one to use? Do you just pop them out with some tweezers and pop in new ones?

Also any good basic bearings brand to use? I have a few one drops and those flat bearings are kinda meh in my opinion… not sure why they still use those. Hoping to get some of those where the string is more centered.

Thanks in advance!


Ok. So on the pads. Depending on the age of the throws or what specific throws they are, they could have standard or custom pads in them. Some custom pads are just unobtainable any longer. So first would be determining that. Many people actually move away from store bought pads and use silicone in a tube to fill the groove and make their own pads. On a throw that has pads that are no longer attainable this is often the only option. The same thing can and often does get done even for standard pads. But if the pads are standard there are multitudes of options. So getting an idea of what throws you are wanting new response in will help in giving direction.
On removing the old pads, I usually just use a knot picker to dig the old pad out. They usually have some type of double sided sticky tape on the bottoms. Sometimes it all comes out together and sometimes all or part of the tape stays behind and also needs to be dug out. Be sure not to use a metal object to pick your pads out as that can cause unwanted damage. I will leave bearings for others as you will get many different opinions on those.


If they are 19mm pads I usually buy bulk Hollywood modern pads and just rip the old out and replace. If it’s a non standard pad size which is often the case with early 2000s and before yo-yos then I either look for something equivalent Or just give in to using silicone which sometimes is what was used in the first place like in the first run 888s those where all hand poured

I use a toothpick to scrape pads out of yo-yos


i just started using monkeyfinger tasmanian tornado hybrid bearings and they’re amazing!

I haven’t tried those specifically, but in my experience centering (KK or CT) hybrid ceramic bearings outperform standard SS bearings, centering or otherwise. The price on those is certainly right!


Appreciate the input guys and thanks. Theyre not like 2000s old but probably around 2015 or so. Gonna see if those hollywoods fit.