So I got a yye edition replay pro and it comes back up even if i put thin lube. I changed the red pads and it still snags. Changed the bearing and it still snags. Please help!
Can you be more specific about snagging ? Do you mean that it is getting axle knots ? Or is the yo-yo just playing responsive ? Meaning it is coming back to your hand when you tug it back to your hand ?
Have you tried the bearing from another yoyo? Do the pads stick out pretty far? If so, maybe you got the responsive Replay and/or a responsive was put in a Pro box by mistake. Post a side photo of the gap, please. There is always an answer and solution.
Oh yeah I also took the pads out and it was responsive before i took it out but now it doesn’t spin for that long. It came with a CT bearing. Also here are some pics.
Sounds like you just had 2 dirty bearings
I tested the bearing and it gets stuck on the replay pro but not my other yoyos.
Too much lube is my guess because I had this EXACT issue when I started , I was legit OBSESSED with cleaning my bearing EVERY DAY before I perfected my “regiment” lol
in my experience you LITERALLY only have to use what stays on a pin tip when you drip a drop on it , or just don’t use any I’m 50/50 when it comes to lube use , I do for some and don’t for others so I suggest you start at “square 1” and clean the bearing , then try 1 with lube and 1 without (assuming you have 2 bearings
Just read that you had the issue even without the lube so I’d suggest you de-shield and do a through cleaning
What string are you using?! I’ve had the opposite problem with my RP, wasn’t binding easily and I had to put the fattest ropes I had on it.
I would stick them in acetone and let them sit for like 20 minutes and don’t use any lube see how it plays then .
Cage free string
I think that’s fairly thin string then so if it’s not the bearing or the string, maybe the response wasn’t seated fully, or:
Though, I’m not sure the responsive replay came in this color, so…something is odd.
Does it snag with no pad in it at all?
It’s a string from yotricks and it doesn’t snag without the pads but it doesn’t spin for that long
So…what other yo-yos do you have that you can throw instead?
Myy variant, throwback solstice, first base, duncan pro z etc
Sounds like you’re in decent shape even with the RP on the fritz, but you’ll figure it out I’m sure.
If you flick the bearing it came with does it spin freely? I do not understand how even with other bearings it’s playing like a responsive unless there’s something in the bearing seat that is making the bearing spin weird. Is it screwed together too tightly? There has to be some kind of fix for this problem.
Maybe a bit too much thin lube got on the seat and it doesn’t spin.
Cage Free string feels on the thick side to me and very rough. The RP has a pretty wide gap so it should not matter. I guess. Take the bearing out, wipe out the seat…but you took the pads out. The yoyo is not trash-worthy, it just needs some TLC.
I put red pads
I think I have reds in a yoyo somewhere but don’t know if they are grippier. It’ll all work out. Let us know what happens.