Removing scratches

My son drop it on some sand and the new yo-yo has some fine scratch on the stainless steel rims. Would it be possible to remove it
With polish or something?


Probably not. Sorry mate.

Its stainless steel so its probably just the anodization that’s scratched off. Guessing it will still play just fine, so its just a little loved.


Ya, best you could probably do from there it remove the rest of the anno…. Make the rims silver.


As mentioned, this is the anodization that’s scratched you can absolutely polish it if you don’t mind your rims being silver. Many people really like the look of polished rims. But it would be a process.

Some other people said to remove the ano. This video I found helpfull


I would recommend sanding the rims if you’re going to remove the coating. It’s easy to do and you don’t have to worry about the body of the yoyo.


My condolences.

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I’ve used this method by @Beverchakus with great success…


so if one removes anno what are any concerns with the raw metal? I’ve read it can bond to the bearing. curious if anyone can mainly address pitfalls to the process

Haven’t experienced it yet, but may be something I decide to experiment on one day considering I live in a high humidity environment.

The bonding that may happen would be because of galvanic corrosion and yes, annodizing does mitigate this effectively. The 304 stainless that is mostly used would not be the one corroding as much as the aluminum it’s in contact with. You could use a corrosion inhibiting paste or re prime the contact surfaces. If you live in a dry environment though galvanic corrosion is less likely to happen as it requires the presence of water.

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negative ghostrider lol i live in the south 10 min from the ocean :rofl: