Release date of One Drop 54??

Does anybody know a release date of the One Drop 54, and can anybody give me an estimate of how much you think it will cost, :stuck_out_tongue: :P. I’m really looking forward to it and am willing to save up all my money to get one.

soon, and 100$. they already released the NQP’s. guess you missed those.

Nqp are out now but it will be out sometime in November

NQP’s are sold out i believe.

Any new information on a release date?

Check back tomorrow! :wink:

mmm is that a hint ;D. Also, I typed in 54 yoyo release date on google, and my post was the very first thing on there

Oh snap! It’s tomorrow already looks around for 54’s, of course only 48 minutes into tomorrow. Guess I’ll go to bed and have dreams of 54’s in my head.


Ah! They’re out already. Still low on funds till my 44 special gets sold. But by then I could probably buy it used :-\

Wow, they look nice! Selling way too fast though.

For reals, looks like they had 3 of each color and they are already down to 5/15