Does anyone have any tips for regenerations?
I practiced with a normal unresponsive yoyo, I made responsive( I just got my worst bearing and over lubed it).
Try practicing them with a butterfly or some other fixed axle.
thanks ill give these a try
Are you good/proficient at looping? Looping well really helps with regens. Going all the way back to the basics is sometimes key. I was terrible at regens until I put all my unresponsives down and just started really killing old school loops with a Yomega Fireball.
Let the yoyo do the work. Wen I started working on them I tried to throw normally as it came around. The force of the yoyo coming up the string being redirected is enough. My advice is just start practicing and be gentle.
jeffrey pang has a REALLY good regen video on youtube. try searching 1a regens yoyo
Experiment with distance before you made the hand motion
thanks for all the tips, iām getting better at them each day