Whenever I do a regen it comes out really vibey and sometimes tilts, help?
Practice, all there is to it.
Maybe get a looping yoyo aswell and practice with it, that’ll get the motion down.
I’ve been working on regens the past few days. I finally discovered that it makes a difference which way you throw the yoyo back out. I’m sure this is a no brainer for 2a guys but I don’t loop. In any case… here’s an example…
Do a soft frontstyle throw, bind, as the yoyo approaches your throw hand swing it in a smooth arc towards you and over the top of your throw hand into a regen. Now the yoyo is spinning in the opposite direction. Bind from the opposite side, as yoyo approaches throw hand swing it in a smooth arc towards you and under your throw hand and into a regen. Now the yoyo is spinning in the opposite direction from before (now we are back at the beginning, front style).
So… this is what I’ve been doing and it’s been helping to get consistent.
I already got direction down just looking for smoothness tips, thanks though!!
Well, to get it smoother, use your wrist to get the flick not the entire arm
Not too much force, that causes the vibe!
Also make sure the yoyo isn’t spinning full speed before binding for a regen! Half speeds plenty!