REcieved a yo-yo. but that's not all!

i bought a speed beetle recently, died in anticipation, then came back to life when it came in, then used a large flamethrower to open it, this might be exaggerated.
i opened it up, and gave it a throw, and it shot back up without spin. that is to say, it didnt sleep, upon further inspection, the string has a red sticky goop on it periodically down the length. the friction stickers are not only uneven, but lumpy with a really soft adhesive, and way too much of it. i broke-in the yo-yo in its received state it sleeps very poorly, and once the speed starts to drop, it basically puts on the brakes, without touching the friction pads. that red stuff is probably in the bearing. I’m wondering just out of pure chance, if this is how this darned yoyo is supposed to be. the bearing is gross, the red stuff is not only on the string, but on the inner walls of the yoyo from contact, it hardly sleeps, it loops like poop on a string. what do i do with this yo-yo? do i complain to yoyo expert? or duncan? any help is appreciated. i wanna enjoy my dang yo-yo.

Your flamethrower melted your response. ;D

Contact YYE. Meanwhile, search the mods section, sticky on mods, there’s one on cleaning a bearing. Do that, replace the response, and string.

The red stuff, is lube. It prevents the bearing from rusting. So yeah, just play with it.

Only contact YYE if you bought it here.

rad thanks. i ended up cleaning it up more, i removed the friction stickers cleaned everything up and put it back. it seems… okay. the friction stickers degrade its spin by like 90% and i can hear it changing all the time while its spinning. sounds like the entire bearing is spinning around the axle, metallic spin sound. i get bad vibrations, i assume from the friction stickers. this yoyo needs like attitude control. i think i need much thinner friction pads. they are totally getting in the way. the friction stickers, by the way, are nearly worn down now, so they arnt eating the gap. but maybe its too much.
i know, thats a mess to read. but there are so many things about it that are like nagging me. i need new friction stickers, i think. should i drill into it and loop yoyo string through it? turn it into a 720? lmao.

For what it’s worth, assuming you just want to learn looping tricks right now, I’d consider simply buying a Loop 720. Speed Beatles really do take more matinence than they’re worth.
Loop 900 is also set to release soon, so maybe keep an eye out for that?

yeah, i wanted two yoyos at that very second, but they were out of stock. cant wait for the loop 900. is the 720 similar to the raider in design? other than the friction system.

The 900 is a just a raider with an adjustable mechanism. Much better than stock raiders in my opion.

720 is nothing like raider. Totaly different weight, shape, dimensions, resonse, etc.

what? i thought the 900 was a 720 with adjustable spacers. the raider EX comes with replacement spacers. doesnt the 900 still have the string on string response system? speaking of which, im thinking is drilling my raider and giving it a string on string response system. any thoughts on that? i kinda of like the idea. ive never used a 720 but it sounds like a tasty response. i would do it to al my yoyos.

900 is starburts response, the same as the Raider.

Raider with string response probably won’t be so good unless you do a basic Raider mod on it first.

uhm, i would just wait for the Unleashed.
900s are too expensive for loopers.

by raider mod you mean minimize the gap? and i cant believe the 900 will be a starburst. then it has nothing to do with the 720 and thats just goofy. i want a super 720, not a super raider.