Really? You want someone else to decide.........

Well, don’t forget(and you eluded to this), yoyo gets you off the sofa/chair and onto your feet. Yoyos don’t need batteries, meaning they are an ideal “on the go diversion”, which is what’s taking you to new places and meeting new people. People see someone playing a video game and they are like “Well, he’s lost in his old world” since that’s a Type 1 activity(Type 1: an activity for a single person that is not able to be readily shared in a convenient group setting). Type 2 activities are stuff that can be seen as a group. So, what would you rather watch? Someone with a Game Boy/PSP/phone/(insert here) or someone throwing a yoyo?

I love the games too, got a big collection of portable gaming systems. But, maybe it’s just my age, but I’ll take the yoyo. In the hands of a decent player, it looks fun and inviting and a “hey I wonder if I can do that”.

Just like if someone asks you questions if you’re throwing in public and you try to answer, we should give our assistance to a fellow yoyo person who is asking for some advice about what to get next. Only takes a small amount of time.’

After all, isn’t this supposed to be about having fun?

well, you obviously been around. I take it we should have the same age approximately (I’m 32) grew up doing similar stuff and whatnot (I don’t want to expand on this, we’re already as off topic as it gets)

but yea, some kids just think too hard about what yoyos they should get and how their way is the best and so on

in the end, when someone asks “what’s the best…”, it’s more because nowadays, people want everything to be simple, clear, easy, many kids just don’t want to work for things and figure things out on their own. in a way, it’s not necessarily a bad thing as it allows them to go further and pick up where others left, but all in all, I don’t really care about those threads, I sometimes read one, try to figure out what the guy is about and then give an advice.

thankfully, as a blogger, I have the chance to try many yoyos (much more than what I could afford, and as said above, I got an income) and I’m more or less forced to be as objective as I can for reviewing purposes, so I think that, even tho I’m not a good player, I have a decent overview of what’s out there and what throw could fit a given person best.

But then you get sucked into fanboyzm based debates and that’s when I usually drop out the ball and move on.

I’ve been managing a good beginner group lately, trying to advice them for throws, but the thing is, if you need to ask, more often then not, it means that you’ll be just fine with about any modern quality throw out there, preferences only kick in when you’re experienced enough to know what you like and what you don’t.

I think it is absolutely justified to make a post like that AT FIRST!!! When I first started buying $100 yoyos, I spent hours on end searching for which one was better than the other. But what I didn’t realize was that any yoyo for $100 is going to be great, just pick the one you like the looks of better. Once you figure out your preferences, is just a matter of factoring that into your decision. But it takes a while and more than 1 yoyo to find out your preferences, so for that time beforehand, I think it is OK to make a post like that.

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i kinda thought one of the main points of the forum was to get help and help others.

if you dont know what a yoyo is like how can you be sure youll like it? not all yoyos play the same even if they are similar in shape and size or else what would be the point of buying another yoyo thats similar to one you have?
also someone mentioned that its also due to there being so many choices. this reminds me of an Angry Video Game Nerd (look him up) video where he says that back in the 80s, before the internet, there was no way of knowing if a game was good or not unless you either bought it or had a friend that had it. same with yoyoing today unless you know someone with the yoyo (which is very unlikely for a lot of people) youll never know how it plays and u could end up wasting your money.
nowadays everyone has videogames and it is easier to know if you like a certain game or not. you go to any videogame/ electronics store and you can play a demo of almost any new game for any system. when it comes to yoyoing, i cant find anything other then a duncan butterfly within a 500 mile radius of my house.
basically what im trying to say is that its not about the money its about the quality of the product. if you wanted something that costs $100 you would want to know if it is worth it or not. with yoyos its hard to judge if it is what your expecting because there not as popular as video games. if you are even a little unsure that you wont like a certain yoyo, you probably wont buy it. so thats why people ask for help.

Agreed Danny, I think that is why the BST is as popular as it is, at least if I get a yoyo that I don’t like, I can trade it for something I will possibly like with minimal loss. I think I’m like Studio though as well, I haven’t really found a yoyo that I haven’t liked yet haha. Well I take that back. I didn’t care for the YYF Grind machine nor the DV888. I also through these forums found out about yoyo’s I never would have tried. I got the DMII based on hearing everyone talk about it and I absolutely love that one and think that it has now overtaken my protostar as my practice yoyo of choice. But I’m fortunate to be 30 years old and own my own company so that I have the ability to buy a new yoyo here and there if I want (or better yet if my wife allows it haha) which is nice, I now have a ps2 case full of yoyos. Even though from hearing Studio’s recent purchases he certainly has me beat on cool stuff. (Even though I do have some pretty cool autograph yo’s that he can’t touch!) :slight_smile:

While I agree with both sides of this, if it wasn’t for the community speaking so highly of the One Drop YoYo’s I would never have wanted to try them out as badly as I do. I still don’t own one, but hoping to trade for one soon. So I see each direction on this, yes it gets annoying maybe we could make a general sticky post, but it is through the 300 of these type of questions that I now know there are a couple of brands that I really want to try out now. One Drop being first on my list. (I’ll PM you my address Studio and you can just drop it in the mail) :slight_smile:

the bst is clearly under used by beginners

about one drop, don’t be too harsh on me, they’re very good, but they’re part hype as well IMO

I love OD, it’s my favorite brand out there, by miles, I love their team and their philosophy. that being said, there are many people out there like me, who love OD, so you see a lot of love for OD out there and some messages tend to lead you to think that any new OD is the second coming.

I can honestly say that since I yoyo, no one drop never ever disappointed me, but objectively, for someone after pure performance, I wouldn’t recommend “any” one drop, there are some better than others, I can think of a couple that are neither the worst, neither very good.

so that takes us to the beginning again, what can you really recommend? you can’t expect everyone to be objective, most people won’t be able to criticize something they bought, most people don’t have that extensive collection that would give them the knowledge necessary to have that objectivity.

while I understand the need for some people to create such threads, I also find it very complicated to get a clear answer out of them, as everyone will state their preferences and find countless reasons why their choice is better than the next poster’s. I’ve been there, find myself caught in one of these every now and then, it’s passion talking so it gets heated fast, specially over the internet.

So I also think I understand those who just can’t take it and want to see exclusively interesting and relevant content in their web space of choice.

Human nature being what it is, we’ll keep seeing all these kinds of threads flourishing every day, and we won’t be able to do anything about them, so we might as well either ignore them, either go in there and do our best to help. there’s no wrong answer there, if you don’t like these threads, try and ignore them, and if you wanna help, hop in there and help, only expect many people disagreeing with you there.

stuff ain’t perfect, and it’s our job to make it so it’s as good as it can be. it’s always best to ignore rather than attack.

Well I can’t say I agree with everything that has been said but I appreciate how candidly thoughts have been shared and as importantly how civily. Civility allows different opinions to be discussed and debated which is very refreshing.

I stated in the op that I totally understand newer yoyoers making such threads. For the others I will say this:

I love checking the stats on a new yoyo that I have my eye on. I enjoy searching and reading the reviews. I have a pretty good idea what I’m going to experience when I get the yoyo. However, the very best part of the entire experience is when I throw it and all of it’s surprises are revealed. I’m glad yoyo’s keep some secrets just for me!