Rank yoyo colors from your most to least favorite

And finger grinds are overrated. I like grinds as much as the next guy but I really wish there were more shiny polished colors rather than the more dull blasted finishes

If I was in charge of anodizing a zillion yoyos and I had to pick 4 colors that I knew would sell, and sell well…

  1. purple
  2. black
  3. red
  4. blue

I guess silver is kind of a “gimme” I mean it is not even an actual color, it’s basically the raw alumimum with a surface treatment, right?

(I would also make sure there was no teal just to aggravate @zslane I would imply there were like a few teal released really early on if you logged on super fast but in fact there were none)


I like colors from 1950’s vintage autos. Colors like Seafoam Green. So far the closest is some of the teal or aqua.

Least favorite is black because the yoyo does not show up as well in a performance.


Swap gold for black and you’ve got a pretty good set of four colors there. :wink:

Also does anyone know why almost nobody sells raw yoyos? I think there’s definitely a demand for it. I know they can tarnish and whatever but I’ve had a few raw yoyos and they tarnish… pretty dang slowly

@da5id ?

Can’t speak for others, but our reason is quality. Raw Aluminum is soft so it damages easier. The bearing can gall (cold weld) to the post. And the spin time is decreased because it’s a “tacky” surface.


I dislike polished yoyos and raw. I do grind every time I throw so that’s a big part of it. I love to do things like Brent stole to finger grind.


In no particular order:
Rose Gold
Black, but only (mostly) in splashes with brighter colors like pink
Some sort of blue

I don’t really have a preference, except that I try to avoid brown, gray, and black yoyos in that order of importance and I like to have bright colors.


No favorite really. If it’s not pink or purple it’s perfect.

Now that you say em together, I think a pink and purple fade would be sweet!


That wouldn’t be sweet it would be awful! That’s okay, I
wont hate on ya! :grin:

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Not too picky about colors. I just like bright colored yoyos better. Those show the best on videos and i like that a lot.

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Sure does!

Pictured: UNPRLD Flash

  1. Black
  2. Red
  3. Black
  4. Blue
  5. Black
  6. Green (forest type hues, not bright)
  7. Jet black

Honorable mention:

Oh, and black.

I don’t like yellow, gold, raw, brown or orange very much.

  1. R A W
  2. grey
  3. black


Edit: realized this is also essentially the colors I use for everything on Warframe


I guess I like black yoyos. I don’t own any brown ones but would really like to

  1. Clear
  2. Grey
  3. Pastel Fades
  4. Green
  5. Some Reds
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Probably edit this to sideeffects attached for you :black_heart:


From what I usually observe, the specific color is less important than whether that specific color looks good or not. Ive seen purple sell out immediately, and then on a different yoyo in a different shade and finish be the last one to sell. Same with black; if their are particular color/colors that just “pop”, they will sell before the black.

As for my list, it goes kind of like this:

  1. Purple - easy top pick for me. I will choose purple almost always unless it is either sold out or another version looks just that much cooler.
  2. Blue? - I used to think blue yoyos looked boring, but I now have two (VTWO and Mayhem) and they are among the nicest looking in my collection. I see some mention of teal, it looks nice, teal is blue.
  3. Pink - im not usually that guy who tries to “rock” pink (ok, im never that guy), but pink/pinkish yoyos look great. Just an extension of purple as far as im concerned.
  4. Green/orange - grouping them together. Ive seen pics of nice looking ones, but don’t own any. Teal looks good. Teal is green.
  5. Black - looks good, but I prefer some color usually.
  6. Red - Admittedly not so much. My Musashi looks pretty damn good in it, but my Hotdiggidy looks like a god damn fire hydrant. Id piss on it if I didnt have to touch it afterwards (it plays nice and is a good budget throw to beat on with 5a).
  7. Polished silver/gold - can look good but usually doesn’t.

If I didn’t mention a color it is because I cant decide (lack of in-person judgment). I prefer virbrant matte finish colors in general.