rainfly exhibition

So i recently got a rainfly from king yo star site and its a beauty… wish i had TA’s lightbox set up to really show off this masterpiece. This is called rainbow colorway.

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8579/16810193102_07474aefe1_b.jpgDSC00606 by Alecto42, on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7654/16625177279_6ab2f9c6a3_b.jpgDSC00608 by Alecto42, on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7615/16625176879_fbd740eb56_b.jpgDSC00607 by Alecto42, on Flickr

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8582/16623743648_ee6ecf1d3f_b.jpgDSC00599 by Alecto42, on Flickr

its a really good looking and playing yoyo… ill have a review up sometime next week.


Excellent pictures and beautiful yoyo, excited for a review

This is the bi-metal one right? Looks great but how does it play?

It’s kind of like a Draupnir, but super heavy. I call it the “poor man’s Draupnir”.

Hey, that’s what I called it first!!!
I called it that in its prototype stage

Kys is going to release another bimetal, the lithium
I call it better hex