Questions about work for and in a yoyo shop

It might be fun to run a yoyo store booth at festivals, fairs, and outdoor markets. That’s something that could be done only on weekends.


i work at yoyo board


What is a yoyo board? Also happy if you want to speak about your experience and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:


I work at a yoyo shop which sells yoyos and boards so its called yoyo board
dream job feels noice

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I imagine it was a good job, what do you do there and how you arrived at this shop?

when i was a kid i used to buy boards from there few years later I started working there, i used to yoyo in the shop and last year the shop owner saw me yoyoing I told him about yoyoing and is getting so popular so he had a idea to start selling yoyos… and boom we r here


I had the same thought many years ago and took an opportunity to leave my career and do all day what, at the time, I was already doing in most of my spare time.

Short story short – for me, it did not work out.

Some people are truly driven by their passions. I think it is great when people pursue their interests, even if they seem uncertain or other people think that they are frivolous. That is part of the process of innovation and providing inspiration to others.

But I also encourage people to consider the practical aspect. For several hours a day, most days a week, a job is a job with all the usual duties, pressures etc. Is that going to compliment someone’s passion, or drag it down?

I think the answer really comes down to whether the job parts of the job are also a passion. E.g. in retail, someone who is passionate about the product and also driven to excel at inventory management, fulfillment, customer service, etc. would be a great fit. Someone who is passionate about the product and expects that to sustain them through a workday full of uninteresting tasks is probably going to struggle.

After a couple years I returned to my previous career, which frankly has zero overlap with any of my personal interests. However, as a job it is a good fit to my skills and temperament, and affords me the time and money to pursue my passions separately (the time part is the key for me).