Dude, those yoyo cards look sweeeeeeeeet. I’m glad that someone has come out with these. I have seen Duncan’s before, and I figured that cards would stay that way (with duncan making duncan cards, yyf making yyf cards, yyj making yyj cards etc.) That’s pretty cool, it looks like they have several companies in on this one. I’m stoked!
ooooo…I want to collect Limited Edition Ones…lol ;D :o
…Did I miss something here???
http://yoyoexpert.com/ The front page
They do look cool hopefully they’ll do it for awhile cause I wont be ordering for awhile :-\
I wants Jensen Kimmitt…Guy Wright…Samad…Shinya Kido…ETC.
how do you buy them
It sounds like you get one free w/ a purchase then an extra for every 25$ spent
I love the idea of cards…
but in order to have any chance of getting all of them you would have to spend...
$25. X 28 cards= $700
and theres no guarantee you will get them all.
I would love the cards but Dang.
i want ed
I just ordered YYf DVD the day before the promotion happened and it shipped out the day it did start so i hope I got one in my order.
probably not gana be worth anythin but now in bst youll see cards there
I have shinya kido, zach gormley, 2 miggy,and 2 patrick mitchells