Post Your Yoyo Trick Video Variations!

If you have made or know a variation of a trick make a video and post it here! (if you want of course).

I’m going to post a video tomorrow of me doing a Yuuki slack variation I made up. Post yours too!

Just a tower but hey…

Cool. Looks good.

That’s awesome, vega…took me a few watches to figure out how you did it. Very Nice.

here is a yuuki slack variation i made. im using a yyf genesis.

Seems Legit…Good Job, Noah…

Thanks Stewart…if thats your name.

Or is it Ian?

Ian is my first…Stewart is meh last…Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Very cool. I’ll be working on that!

Thanks. I appreciate it. When you learn it you should post it up!

Anyone else?.. Please?

Variation time!?!?!?!?!?

Trick variation time?