Post Your Yo-yos

Give this man a prize!

YaY! W00t! W00t!

Nobody has guessed mine yet (hehe)

Is it a Duncan metal zero? I don’t deal with metal yos much. Later and remember keep it spinning.

Here ara my yoyos. I have some more orders on the way. One other 888 (Aqua Edition 09) and a Eyes Of the Tiger edition Skyline.


I only have YoYoJams. ;D

Dark Magic (red)
Aquarius (red)
Big Ben (orange)
Kickside (2, one blue, one white)
Big Yo (glow-in-the-dark)
Speed Maker (black)
Lyn Fury (black/blue)
Sunset Trajectory (2, one green, one blue)
Speeder (clear)

Also, I just ordered:
Legacy (lime green)

                                         YYJ mini motu
                                 Lyn Fury, ?, some GT yoyo.
                               ?, Losi da bomb, Losi da bomb
                                  ?, FH1, Kickside, Speeder,
                 Black G5, red 09 888, X-Convict, night moves 4, Patriot

I only have a Dark Magic and Kickside

Let me complete and fix the list :slight_smile:

                                            YYJ Mini Motu
                                 Lyn Fury, Spintastics Riot, Bumble Bee GT
                             Team Losi Cherry Bomb, Losi Da Bomb (GT), Losi Da Bomb
                           Spintastics Eclipse, FH2, Kickside, Tigershark
                           G5 Anodized Edt., 09 888, X-Convict, Night Moves (it's not 4), Patriot

I CU man!

~yo! shi!

I have a Duncan Imperial, Duncan butterfly,
Duncan freehand, Duncan yofly,yoyofactory F.A.S.T.,
and my most awsomest yoyo THE DARK MAGIC.

Where to start? G5 Sabotage, GM2, PGM, Dark Magic, Markmont Project, Alchemy MX, 401k, G5 Budda King, Higby 888, prototype YYJ Synergy, Envy 64, Pyro and a Big Ben. ;D Have others that I can not think about off the top of my head.


W-O-W!!! Cool! :o ;D

yomega fireball, yomega hyperwarp hyperwing, yomega crossfire, F.A.S.T. 201, FH2, duncan speed beetle, yomega powerbrain, duncan profly, and 2 vendingmachine-type yoyos (wish I had a picture)

My metal collection after christmas:

The cut
blood lily, Wolverine BvsM
Senza nome, M1, the new Peak

My dream collection except pyro light instead of the nome.

that’sd a cuLater by Alchemy with a DieGuy counterwieght.

That’s not a cuLater, a cuLater has a cat eye, it’s an alchemy cu.

Dark Magic, a green x-brain, and a whole bunch of little crappy ones

youre yoyo is an alcamy Cu wilba