I put together the most extreme half swap I could… half Dread G (80g version), half Smashing Crucible (50g). Massive difference in shape, diameter, and weight, see for yourself
Again… dead smooth on the string. It does list heavily to the side and it wants to turn because of the weight differential, but it’s perfectly vibe free. Seriously.
I wonder how in the world that would possibly work? That just doesn’t make any sense, how can manufactured A grades have vibe at times, but a half swap like that can be dead smooth? Crazy yoyo Gods…
I really dislike starburst response, and one time YYJ came out with a hybrid response yoyo (black knight), half o-ring and half starburst. I found a guy who liked starburst and traded him for the o-ring half. Even after that, I still didn’t care that much for the yoyo with o-ring response.
(I bought the black knight primarily because it was a local boy’s signature yoyo.)
From my experience it produced too much friction & affected play. If I did a simple trapeze on a Butterfly XT the spin time would be basically cut in half.