Mustang ES
I’ve always wanted a black rimmed Good and Evil 2. Somehow it never came to me. Impertinence.
(Photo by TheYoYoMuseum)
Edit: I have to say those laser engravings (and entire promo posters) depicting ‘desireable’ women by hspin back in the day are (and already were at the time) awful.
I would say…. An ART Holy Grail.
I’ve never touched one, much less tried one…. But I have several aluminum Grails and I’ve heard the Ti Grail is even better.
Better is good.
I obviously wasn’t paying attention when they were released….
Option 2 would be a Mustang ES…
I have a TP Soul, that for me, plays as well as anything I have. I am very interested if I might like the Mustang even more?
PS… I was watching the Holy Grail drop on the home base site a few days back.
I think there were about 40(?) for the drop. About half gold and the other half… blue-ish.
The drop was at 12pm mountain time(Canada), which would be 11am Pacific time.
The drop started almost ‘exactly’ when it was suppose to.
In 3 minutes(or slightly less) they were completely Sold Out…… at $420 each.
Now…… I’m not one known to hastily jump to any Conclusion, but I’m thinking I am not alone in my quest for a Holy Grail😂
there was one on eBay in this exact color about 2 weeks ago for $150 or something like that
Until then, I fulfilled all my desires. What became my desire was to get the long-awaited black spyy revenger with yellow splash for my friend. But so far, without success.
I have never played one, so I don’t even know, if I’d like it.
it’s really thin in width and big in diameter. For an old yoyo, adding a kk bearing, it’s very good to play with and spins a lot. A bit uncomfortable, the corner of shape is a little uncomfortable in hand.
I have exactly this one in my collection and am thinking about selling it. Still interested?
Definitely yes!
tbh i’d say either a tp mustang or a painted peak.