Post Your Battlestation!

There are many benefits to mechanical keyboards.

Mechanical keyboards are much more durable than your typical cheap membrane keyboards, with key switches that will outlast any of us, and a superior typing feel. For someone like me who spends a lot of time typing for a living (and even in my hobbies), durability and typing feel are important factors.

Customized (mechanical) keyboards allow aesthetics to play a big role, with keycaps that are not only beautiful to look at, but feel great to type on, and which will also outlast any of us. Custom keyboards also offer “alternate layouts” for folks who want a smaller keyboard footprint but don’t want to sacrifice certain useful keys, like navcluster keys. Custom outer cases can be much more durable (e.g., aluminum), much more beautiful (e.g., rosewood), or both.


Very cool!


Don’t listen to these guys. It’s so you can annoy your coworkers with loud, clicky switches.


Nice Canvas MANFREDs there.


Looks like a moog

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Not if you use silent switches. But MX Blues are HELL for the office.