
Im looking to polish my Metal Drifter. I have a can of Mother’s polish and cloths. Can someone give me a few quick steps for prepping it before actually polishing it?

I’m pretty sure the metal drifter is just raw metal, in which case I don’t really think there’s much prep. If it has any type of finish, I would say sand it a little bit using high grit sandpaper.

The Metal Drifter has a satin-type appearance. It is going to need a tiny bit of work if you’re expecting to go mirror finish.

If you just want to clean it up, then sure, you’re plan will work just fine.

I used a really low grit sand paper and sanded everything. Looks really cool. I left the nipple at a mirror finish so that looks great. I also silli’d it and am waiting for that to dry. I’m going to check the play and then may slowly use higher grits and then polish it up really nicely.

Just saw that you siliconed it. Don’t expect it to hold in there long, unless the recess was deepened, the stock recess is not deep enough for the silicone to stay in for long. :-\

I didn’t really expect it too. Just experimenting while I wait for my Duncan stickers

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