Please delete/close All is well

I paid for an Evora from him on Aug. 4th left him messages and heard nothing from him, I used G&S and hes got a good rep so I don’t know what happened, I know stuff can get ahead of you but 16 days is a long time.


Never dealt with them but i know Ivan has been very active on the forums over the years and i think i have seen images of them at a local meetup. Maybe someone from the Toronto area can check on their well-being?

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That would be amazing if someone would talk to him. Yeah, he seems like a good dude, I’m not even mad and I still want the yo-yo, I’ve been hoping it would just show up.

Don’t tell me you paid with PayPal and used friends and family?


Probably not

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Uh…. That was a joke…… lol

Low flying plane….:joy:

I started reading at the top of the thread(a common practice).

My reply was simply a little jab at the New Legion of Friends and Family lovers, that would have no option but eating rocks if Dapper tanks on the deal.

Obviously, at this point, nobody really knows what happened to Ivan? He has been around for awhile and seems pretty dependable in his deals.

Hopefully(don’t use that word often) he is OK and just temporarily overloaded with whatever some people get in to?

…But I would think that if a guy pays for a yo-yo and 16 days have gone by without even a 1 sentence reply, like, ‘Thanks I got the money, just buried at the moment’ Something like that…

Unless you are in jail, in a Nut House, being held hostage on a German submarine, been abducted by Aliens, or did a 2 on 1 Arm Wrestling match and Broke both arms and lost the ability to speak or got amnesia, it should not take over two weeks to get a word or two back to the buyer, ya think?


Just cancel the order and have g&s refund and move on. No response for this long means he’s off the reservation and no need for you suffer the consequences of his actions!

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I did a transaction for 420 with him a few years ago, took quite a while for everything to process, and he was kinda slow and not super responsive, but everything was in order, it just took a minute. I know I was a bit worried when it was taking a long time as well, but hopefully, your experience will be similar to mine. Good luck!


First it was @Jayjo866, now it is @DapperWooona

Who’s next!

Will @kretzschmar be voted off or will @yoyodoc finally get what’s been coming!

Find out next week on Survivor: Yoyo Edition.

—All jokes aside, I’m kinda sad some of the oldies but goodies have dropped off the map lately.—


No idea what happened to DapperWooona, but what a name. I hope they resurface if only to tell the story of where that comes from.


Lol, I’m still here. I’ve just calmed down from the BST a lot. USPS lost a Gold Nugget Peak I bought, it happens, trying to get back the insurance. Ernie brought back the Torrent, which is awesome. I’ve been playing that and the unresponsive purple heart @Glenacius_K made

All going good here @Roman_Soup , so vote off the other dude, lol


Still throwing that thing? I figured the buzz would have worn off by now.

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Nope, this thing gets more play time than everything I own. You really outdid yourself. I dont really get why wooden unresponsives never took off, but it doesn’t really matter, I like them and I have one, and it’s awesome. Thanks again good sir.


Hope he’s alright. Doesn’t seem like the type to screw someone on here.


That’s the very important reason we miss and want to know what you’re up too……seeing or messages are all seen on the BST!
I was expecting that Inception in May sometime?? Now it looks like the Inception is a really good.performance bi-metal that I would’ve enjoyed looks like a UFO………gone!
So Jayjo866 & Dapper Wooona are worth finding……

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Only two of those things are correct,

Sorry to cause the concern!! Throws have been shipped and I will refund @JDyo 's shipping and handling fees for the wait. Same to you @Lukoyo , I haven’t forgotten your End either–expect a tracking ID and a partial refund on paypal soon.


Nice to see you bro!!! , I knew you would come through and no hard feelings I would totally buy from you again just let me know before you go to mars or whatever. This thread can be closed all is well.Also thanks to all who reached out and tried to help,you’re awesome, thank you all.


This made me lol :joy:


I bet the correct 2 are that You got abducted by Aliens and they hit you with the ol Amnesia beam :upside_down_face:


But they were Canadian aliens. So they were super polite about it.