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Hey folks! I am looking to part ways with this Miracle. It’s a Trust Ben special so let that dictate the price however you see fit.

Damage free but these yo-yo’s are known to have ring plastic rim movement, press them back in place and you’re good to go. However with that being said this yo-yo has nail vibe, roughly 7/10 at the most when measured at the plastic rim on my scale. No string vibe

Regardless of that this yo-yo is fantastic, really a blast to rocket it at full power and I love the fact that they tried something insane design wise for this yo-yo.

In terms of trades here is the short list at the moment however if you really want this yo-yo, and have other offers feel free to shoot over offers:

  • Pharaoh Plus (b-grade is fine)
  • Damian Puckett Wisteria (bimetal)
  • Plastic Hybrids: Notion, Speeder, Plage
  • C3 Bimetals: Hydrogen Crash, Plasma Crash

Otherwise Cash price: $65 shipped?

Traded for Proto BGM


dropped price by $10, if someone has reference to what the trust ben price was, let me know as this was traded to me but I still wanted to disclose that fact.

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Yo, I have a Pharoah Plus B Grade

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my bad I ended up closing it out about 2 hours ago for another yoyo.

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