Please close- all yoyos traded or decided to keep

Hi everyone! I have a few yoyos that I was looking to trade. I’m not looking for anything in particular but I will not accept offers of a-rt or yoyofactory. I will consider offers for trading a yoyo individually OR trading multiple yoyos.

Below are the yoyos in question:
Yyr Valkyrie: one of the first unresponsive yoyos I ever got. Has a mild ding on the rims that doesnt affect play except for mild pulse vibe (still 9/10 smooth). Probably would be good for 3a if you already have a Valkyrie. Very powerful, kinda slow and easy to control. New edition so it’s made of 6061.

Next is an Inferno Yoyos Sonar! Beautiful colorway, great crafting in 7068 al. Powerful and easy to control, comes with a good fingerspin dimple. Not thrown too many times, so the action is completely smooth.

Will trade in favor of C3, yyfr, OD, and mowl but will consider any offers that don’t have the brands mentioned above! DM me with ideas you have :3

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My feedback thread is listed here:

Bumpty! Alt Bastet added.

I like the mega monster see if something here catches your eye

Did you mean to put in that picture? I might go for an informel but I’m unsure.

It’s very nice and mint in box. I just have similar shaped yo-yos already. Let me know.

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I can also trade you this Damian Puckett fusion

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This one is brass and very powerful. Slightly undersized but has small marks. See pics. And it has a little vibe. I can send video.

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With that small of a nick i doubt I’ll notice the vibe much. I’d be willing to make that trade if you want! I can also throw in a cheap yoyo if you want too to help completely balance everything

So do you want to trade the Mega monster for the informed or the Don?

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Works for me!

Did you pick one ?

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Yes! The brasi don works is what i will trade for your mega monster.

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Ok. Please PM me with your name and address.

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Mega Monster claimed! Valkyrie pending

Do the humpty bump. Mega monster claimed, Valkyrie and alt bastet still up for grabs!

Give me yoyo i give you yoyo i give yoyo give me you

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Alt bastet claimed! Valkyrie is the only one left.