Trading some yo-yos

All yoyos I’m trading have zero dings or scratches and some of them have only been throw a couple of times. I’ll trade for pretty much any rain city ,recess ,one drop , good life , caribou lodge . Around the price range of the yoyo you want. if you have any other yoyos you want to trade other than the listed brands message me .
List of yoyos

  1. Yoyo factory flame perfect condition thrown less than 10 times
  2. Yoyo factory damage
    3.magic yoyo bi metal
  3. Yoyo factory metavity (gone)
  4. Yoyofactory kapital
    Some yoyos I’m looking for
    Clyw the otter
    Dressel designs the assassin
    Rcs the duck and guitarist
    One drop terrarian
    Freshly dirty mod44
    Bowl xl

I would be willing to sell the metavity instead of trading it.

Just a heads up, per the forum rules you are required to post images of whatever you are trading/selling.

here is the picture of the yoyos


Thanks I just added a photo.

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