Playmaxx Raw Fusion

Looking for a little help/guidance.

I have a Fusion, that I feel I’m at a crossroad with it. I have the Duncan Mod Z spacers but I am wondering if the bolt/nut caps can be removed and replaced with out damaging.

My wish is to make it enjoyable again.

If it is impossible to remove and replace the caps what do you think the cash/trade value is?


Those caps do come off…they are compression fit.

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Thank you, I was worried once they were off they were off for good.

Will post pics when I get back home and modify it.

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There was a guy that did this many years ago with some spacers he made himself…

I’m looking forward to seeing how yours looks and hearing about how well it works out!


I’m happy to repurpose my Raw Fusion. Not sure if it is the Mod Z wide bearing or the ModZ spacers but there is a little vibe. Still I’m happy to play with it.

Now that I know how to take it apart, it is now on my bucket list to do my own ano for the first time. So I’m stoked about that.

Thanks for the help today.

For those who are old enough might get this. It deal feel a bit 6 million dollar man when I was putting this together. Putting in the spacers and the bearings I was thinking “we have the technology to make it better”


I wanna be like you when I grow up.

Modding has always been a pleasant dream of mine.

Nice job; there. :+1:



I have to go back outside to get a better picture of this. I was just out getting the mail and had it with me. The sun really made those blue ModZ spacers pop.

I thought I was playing with a YoYoJam Yo-Yo.

I have to start checking Walmart again looking for another ModZ. I had to take apart my modded Duncan Wheels apart to make this.


They’re really not a bad pick up for $10. I bought another earlier this month just so I could get another concave bearing lol :).


I think they would have to be far more older to remember the 6 Million Dollar Man.


Final episode date: March 6, 1978


Wonder if the mod z spacers would work with an ace?

I don’t have an ace out of the package to try but I had some mod spacers out to work on making a set for a butterfly xt. The Duncan mod spacers are 38mm in diameter I’m not sure what the diameter on an ace is but it gives you an idea of where it would sit on the ace. Do you want to make the ace wider or change the response?

The aces are 44mm’s I actually think it might work…

We can always print some to make it work for an ace

When I lived in Santa Paula I was the greens keeper at the Mountain View golf course on south mountain road. Steve McQueen was my neighbor. He had a hanger at the local airport and Lee Majors would visit a lot. They were buddy’s from way back. Steve would yell out to make sure there was plenty of old Milwaukee in the cooler because uncle Lee was coming over. What wonderful gentlemen. Good times.


Was he really as cool in person as his persona was?

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Wowwww. this thread is a major necro… :nauseated_face:

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If you passed his test then yes. He would drop a folded hundred and wait for you to pick it up and give it back to him. God help you if you kept the cash. You couldn’t be trusted ,and he was all about trust.


I thought I saw some posts that Mark Wahlberg wants to be in a 6 Billion Dollar Man reboot.

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