Play Yoyo Everyday, Practice Everyday

In 2024, Yoyo Wing has just turned 40 and hopes to participate in the Yo-Yo World Championship held in Cleveland, showcasing years of practice. However, the pursuit of endless improvement often leads to feelings of being lost.

A scene from episode 265 of the manga “Hunter” suddenly flashes in my mind, where the president performs ten thousand straight punches daily with a heart full of gratitude, followed by the thought that “the stricter the constraints, the stronger the ability.”

“Let’s just Play Yoyo Everyday!”

Previously, during long trips, I had a plan called “Play Yoyo Everywhere,” where I played with my yo-yo at favorite spots and filmed it.

In 2024, I’ve decided to “Play Yoyo Everyday,” shooting a yo-yo video every day and uploading it online, ensuring that the tricks are of a certain difficulty. Step by step, I believe that daily effort will surely yield results.

At the end of 2024, I completed 366 days of filming and hope to share the joy of completing my plan with everyone.

Will continue another project in Youtube :slight_smile:
Happy New Year


I loved watching these videos when they popped up in my feed, I am jealous and wish I had the willpower to film something new every day

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Dude congrats for completing your goal! You are now ready to fight the yoyo ant king! :muscle: :leg: :skull:

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I think the most difficult part is to get start
after a month, it become your daily life.
And have no pressure keep doing it :slight_smile:

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I really love watching Hunter
and love the ant chapter very much

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I’m glad I started following along the latter part of the year, I’m giving the just do something every day a shot this year :slight_smile:


For 2025, I’m trying another project,
On top of Play yoyo everyday, I’d like to try different style (other than 1A) this year
Remember to sub my youtube channel

and IG for more videos


Let’s gooo! The x divisions are very fun to play and will also help your 1A improve. 3a has greatly improved my understanding of plane control. It is also my favorite division to play. Here is a document with some tips for getting started in 3a, as well as a guide on what tricks to learn first.

Please ask any questions that come up when you start to play the style.

I also like to play yoyo everyday but don’t always have a new trick to post. I often spend my yoyo time refining tricks I have already learned and don’t know if I would want to post the same trick multiple times. Respect to y’all for finding something to record each day! I do think continuing to play yoyo everyday is an amazing way to improve. Seeing yourself on video is also very helpful for understanding execution and how the tricks are presented.


fr!! im still learning a couple tricks a week but something new every day is some real dedication. i admire the drive yall

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Definitely won’t always be new stuff, plenty of recombinations and refining!

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I found that it is really quite challenging for learning new trick every day for X division
but luckily, there are plenty of basic tricks I can learn as there are so many good tutorial on Youtube.
(Let me try to do 3A on Feb XD)
Thanks for your info