Pine Tar in Bearing for super responsive? (Funny yo-yo meme thread)

Y’all giving me nightmares with sand in bearings


Here is worse
I typed in « bing image creator »:

« A rusty and dried ball bearing in the desert »…. :slight_smile:


Here is the meme thread. There are some really good ones in there

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One strange thing is that there is not even a decent picture of a yo-yo that these A.I. image creations can produce ……

I tried many times ……it invents a « mix » of spintop and yo-yo ….

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True story.


I just typed « a guy putting thick lube in the bearing of his yo-yo »

….seems the Bing I.A. image creation has no clue what is yo-yo ?

….and even worse !
The top-right foto shows the thick lube coming out of the mouth of the guy…creepy !!

Sorry that one’s me. It’s the maple syrup. It sticks to your ribs just not to your bearing. To clean the bearing I soaked it in pancake batter.