Penn states?

Ugh… Can’t go guys :’( I really thought I’d actually be able to meet some yoyo bros :frowning:

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Anybody interested in buying or trading, I’m the guy to do it with

I would probably be down for trading while there, if I see or try something I like :slight_smile:

Gah, you’re going too!? Wanna carpull? Lol, jk, jk.

I hope penn’s fun and keeps going though! Maybe I can make next year!

This is like the only contest in the area that is coming up
And I can’t go ERMAGERD

Thanks to DUNCAN and ONE DROP for sponsoring!


YES!!! First a yoyo shop comes to my city (Erie, PA) and now we get the Penn States!!! See you all there!!!

Yep I’ll be there

I might be able to go. I live in Quakertown, PA, so this is just as far as NER or MA States, even though those are both in Massachusetts. I just hope I don’t have a wrestling match that day :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m from Easton, Pa so you’re pretty close to me. You should go to our yoyo club in Ephrta, pa. Probably like and hour and 15 minutes away. It’s once a month on the last Saturday of every month.

What time of day? And I might have to wait until spring but it sounds like fun :slight_smile:

It’s from 1-3pm in Ephrata, PA.

Shoot me a PM if you want info. I’m the guy who started it, but Joey helped me get people to show up :slight_smile:

We gotta make it longer for next time. Sucks to drive there for 2 hours of fun. Anyway PA states coming soon! I still have to register and come up with a freestyle.

I can stay longer this next time cause I don’t have plans. Last time was crazy cause I had already exciting plans.

We’ve got a ton of prizes to give away at this contest. Its going to be aweSOmazing!

Don’t forget to come say hi to Proboscis and me. We will be there representing Bigyoyo String and will have Fat Chicks for you guys to try.