Pefect Imperfection - Lasse Nolsøe Lund

I’ve made a new vid; chack it out and tell me what you think about it.

oh, sry bout the quality

Very interesting style. I love it.

i liked it. good video!

I love it Nice yoyo style and hair style.
Loving it…

Haha, thanks man :stuck_out_tongue: I accually cut it myself.

  • but, thanks everyone

This is amazing! I’m so glad to players trying new things. Such an awesome off-the-wall style. And those weird seasick rolls were sooooo rad. Well done. :smiley:

Thanks you so much, :slight_smile:
I really appreciate it
Seasick-rolls you say? so, that means I’ve made up a seasick-variation … I can’t even do a regular seasick!? :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha! Thats what it looked like to me. :smiley: And I only just recently mastered Seasick. It’s a lot like how you have to learn Boing-E-Boing or Brent Stole. Its really just something you have to feel out. But yeah, man, sick video. Faved. :slight_smile:

fast-fluent-smooth style.Watching you is so interesting and funny.Actually im gettin bore too many times but i didn get bore when i watch your video :smiley:

keep it up

I liked it a lot, I love how you move a lot of your body when you throw, I thought I was the only person that did that, most people you see them they are almost statuesque. Awesome tricks too, the quality wasn’t too bad either.

Thanks everyone, again :slight_smile:

Thanks dude. but ehm … i thought the quality sucked. I mean look at it, it’s all blurry and stuff :S

My point was at least you can tell what you are doing, we can see the string, no ridiculous effects. Very simple but very good. It doesn’t have to be HD to be good quality :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

i really liked it when the long intro was over, you stoped playing with your hair and started yoyoing… awesome tricks!

Yeh … you’r probably right . :slight_smile: thanks

lol, thanks :stuck_out_tongue: