@Alex no reply from @andy569 anyone else on the list or are these back to you?
last call for @andy569 to respond before I hunt down @Alex and figure out how to get these back to the owner or if Alex wants we can move this to a dibs style pif
Hey! So sorry life has gotten so busy for me and I’ve done a bad job keeping this PIF updated. Happy to let them get passed around in the community as long as there’s interest. If no one reaches out for a while I guess you can shoot me a PM and we can figure out getting them back home! Apologies for being MIA!
awesome ill give @andy569 a few more days then ill flip this to a standard pif and post the usual boiler plate language that other pay it forwards use for first come first serve. Just wanted to be sure you where cool with that alex. thanks for responding. If no one reaches out ill get in touch and get these back home.
Is this there room for one more? I’d love to try one of these out.
Ohh right I guess Andy is a no go. See as the list has run dry let’s do the the old fashion way,
I will send the hybrid fluvia on to the next person to post, ”I’ll take it,” here, in this this thread. DM’s don’t count, it needs to be in thread to keep everything fair (Contiguous 48 states only, please). You will get this great throw to use and enjoy, completely free, for 30 DAYS (give or take a few).
HOWEVER! By accepting this throw, you also accept the responsibility of creating a similar post at the end of your 30 day period, as well as paying the shipping fees in sending it on to the next person.
Thank you for taking this over!! You’re the best!
Here you go
Ahh I didn’t see that. My bloodsugar has been sky high today so I’ve been a tad off. @AKYOYOMIKE dm me your address and I’ll get these over.
I already trust Mike but I do suggest we vet folks as this moves along if they are unknown or if trust hasn’t already been built in the community.
Sorry if i cut the line. I’m happy to wait a couple weeks either way…
No way dude. I was just drawing attention to your request. The list had come to an end and Cap was changing to the “I’ll take it” style. So I wanted to get you in there before someone else jumped in.
wow… okay im a jerk. i just found this still in my office im gonna make sure this goes out asap.
Just waiting on address confirmation and then I’ll get this thing sent.
Eagle has landed. I’m sorry for the delay, my office moved and i think the package bounced around a bit… i will open and post pics/ video asap, but life is crazy so i might not unbox till tonight…
Couldn’t resist. Hybrid FULVIA is way prettier in person then i thought.
Very cool stand! Not sure where that came from but I’d love to get one.
Just a thought all this string is cool, but i have no idea what/ who’s string. If anyone knows I’ll put them in bags with labels.
Yeah part of the delay was me not getting it out right away but I forgot about it after I sent it out. Happy it finally made it. I would have made it right if it didn’t.