Painting/Dying a YYF C.A.

First off. I am not planning on doing anything extremely ridiculous, I am just asking that way I can make good descisions before doing anything I may regret:

  1. What type of Plastic is the Counter Attack made of; Celcon, Polycarbonate?

  2. The caps that are small and behind the weight rings are at a smaller diameter than the weight rings themselves, is it possible to remove them and replace them?

  3. Can the weight rings be removed and replaced after the cosmetic modification?

  4. What would be the best method of making a clear plastic jet black? Rit Dye and Acetone, or perhaps Paint with a clear coat both applied by brush.

I am looking for a smooth finish as if it was manufactured this color. Also if I am dying the halves how easily would it come off (i.e. If I am throwing it and I ding it pretty good)?

Any responses would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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