Anyone know what kind of paint to use or anybody that will paint it for me for a low cost?
It might be acrylic paint. But i’m not so sure. Hopefully a modder can chime in and help you out.
Acrylic works good. You can wash it off if you don’t like the results.
Contact the following. Mrcnja, Mr. John Higby ;D Yoyospirit and maybe Cyclon.
pretty much any paint will work. it’s going to be on the inside, so you don’t have to worry about durability or anything. Most people use acrylic though.
I think I’m going to just pay somebody to do it when I get some$$$
john kigby is beast the paint jobs are awsome
Is it Kigby or Higby? I know they are pretty sick paint jobs!

Contact the following. Mrcnja, Mr. John Higby ;D Yoyospirit and maybe Cyclon.
john kigby is beast the paint jobs are awsome
Is it Kigby or Higby? I know they are pretty sick paint jobs!

Contact the following. Mrcnja, Mr. John Higby ;D Yoyospirit and maybe Cyclon.
john kigby is beast the paint jobs are awsome
Is it Kigby or Higby? I know they are pretty sick paint jobs!