Pads for my Envy 64?

I’ve never had to buy large pads besides duncan stickers… What are some good ones I can use in both my Envy and FHZ’s for unresponsive play?

i tried a fhz with a textured pad, it was amazing.

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Chaz pads. 1 drop pads. Duncan sili stickers. Kentero .555 pads. Gen. pads. Hat pads. Dif pads.

There u go

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I love Dif-pads.

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Sorry bout thread placement… I didn’t think about the maintenance lol…

So whats the difference between .555 dif pads and regular dif pads? And Im guessing thick and thin is just level of response? Thick is more responsive and thin is less

Regular and .555 refer to the inner diameter of the pad. A smaller inner diameter will make the yo-yo bind tighter and easier. Generally, the medium or regular one are best for A or D bearings and the .555 are best for C bearings.

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