I have two yoyos that take .555 pads: a Pacquiao and a Radian Super Light. Both have become a little bit slippy in the bind department and I’m planning to order some pads to rectify this.
Any recommendations based on what’s available here? I want to correct the slipping, but without going to the opposite extreme (something so grippy that it snags). There seem to be various thicknesses available, but I don’t know for sure what’s needed for either of those two yoyos so that the response isn’t protruding into the gap. Flush or recessed is preferred.
I’ve been told and I tend to believe based on examination that the .555 “groove” is too shallow for flowable.
I found a .555 IrPad on another site, but don’t spot any of those on YYE.
Gen Yo – smooth or textured? Is it fair to assume the textured have more response but might wear more quickly (as the texture wears down), or is that a false assumption?
I’d say too shallow for flowable, you’d probably get maybe 8 binds before they fall out. Your assumption seems right, but assumptions don’t always go very far lol