Overtightened flight

I’ve been using my flight a lot recent and I realized that it has become overtightened which in it of itself isn’t a problem but it since the gap width is smaller it means that the second I accidentally land on two strings at once it snags. I’m not big on yoyo maintenance despite yoyoing for two years now but is there any way to fix this? If not its not that big a deal I am planning on getting a new 4a yoyo soon because in my opinion the flight isn’t that good in terms of 4a yoyos.


You can just unscrew the Yoyo.

Did the flight come with spacers? That’s normally how you adjust the gap on 4a yoyos.

The flight spacer kit comes with 1 pair of thin spacers and 1 pair of thick spacers. Might help.

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You might be paying 3x the price of a flight to get an offstring yoyo that offers marginally better performance to a very skilled player. You will also find all offstring yoyos will eventually break, which is why the flight is made affordable and relatively durable. The wider spacers mentioned will increase the gap and can be used in future flights.