Oversized throws?

Ok, I’ve decided I want to get an oversized YoYo, but I want it to be proportional. And I’d prefer if it had a finger spin dimple. I was looking at the slusny xoxo baby, but I haven’t decided on it. Any other contenders I should consider? How do you guys feel about that YoYo? Is there a similar YoYo I can get on YYE since I trust it and Idk how I feel about ordering from slusny and then waiting on shipping. I hate feeling indecisive when it comes to a yo-yo. Tell me your opinions Internet strangers!


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while it has no dimple, the mazeltop gadol is absolutely massive, with a 72mm diameter
edit: meant to say gadol, but it autocorrected

When you say proportional you don’t mean 1 to 1 diameter:width, you just mean increased width and diameter?

I can only speak to the Bowl XL and Par Avion. They are fun. The size took a bit of getting used to for me. I do think they have a sound that is meditative, very unique and pleasant like a low gong or Tebet Monks bell.

Mega crash from C3 is enormous if you want something crazy big.

Turning point Hades is super good and pretty big, but it lacks the spin hub you want.

Either of the horizons are great for fingerspins if you can find them, and are pretty big too.

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Hades is crazy power. U own it

onedrop Par Avion, YYF edge ultimatum, A-RT 420, are all pretty fun IMO


Some that come to mind…but most do not have a fingerspin dimple. Assuming you mean diameter and not width.

OPyoyo Peach is pretty large.
OPyoyo Balloon is freaking huge.
Mazal Top Vindication is oversized nd has a flat cup for fingerspins. (But not a dimple)
Mazal Top Gadol is similar…but even bigger.
Recess Triple Double is a pretty big yoyo for a fun price.
Yoyofactory Sugar is a lot bigger than I expected it to be.
C³Design IX is both BIG and WIDE and really fun.

And off course you can always slap an unresponsive bearing in to a 4a yoyo. I recently saw someone post a video of someone doing that but can’t find it now.


An inexpensive option that I really like is the Metal Drifter XL. No finger spin dimple - actually the opposite, an axle nipple - but if you can live with that, it’s fun. Organic comfort and the added stability and spin that more mass gives you.

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The first one that comes to my mind is the C3 Stellar IX, seems quite big from the specs apparently made for 5a, this one seems a cool one, still playable in 1a I think

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It really is big. I have one, it’s usuable in 1a but it’s humoungous compared to regular 1a throws.

Next to a shutter


I can’t think of any with fingerspin dimples. But the OP Balloon, CLYW Sasquatch '22, C3 Mega Crash, and Duncan Metal Drifter XL all see regular play in my house.

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CLYW Chief H5 is the best most powerful oversized throw I’ve ever tried. Though it doesn’t not have a dimple it’s flat and can support finger spins pretty easily.

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I mean, the iceberg has a finger spin dimple but it’s not that much oversized

duncan big fun is really fun for under $20, has a fingerspin cup/dimple.


Ironically, what I’m hoping for is like a bigger iceberg. I love my iceberg

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If you can find one of these Monories, it might be what you’re looking for. I had it in a cart a few times, but the “stop hoarding” voice won out over the “must try” voice that time and now it’s sold out.

CLYW sasquatch 22?

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