One year to the Christmas Day that I started yoyoing! YAY! :slight_smile:

Man, what a year, and there are so many people I want to thank! First of all my parents, for indulging my silly hobby, and buying me the yoyos, all my friends from, Samad Mitch Marie Elendil Shisaki and the list goes on, everyone who inspired me, Yuuki Spencer, Whip, Gerard Amento, John Sekar, raytsh, Brandon Jackson, Guy Write, Andre Boulay, and many more, I also want to thank the man who sponsored me, Alvin Rollins, owner of Foxland Precision Yoyos. And last but not least, i want to thank you, my subscribers and viewers , for all your support and help through the year! Here’s looking forward to next year!

Yoyo: CLYW Wooly Marmot Player: Zach Smith Song: Lemon Yellow Black by Jets to Brazil

Crazy good.

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Amazing job! You’re always getting so much better in these small ammounts of time! Your videos are also the only yoyo videos my girlfriend ever watches also, since you make her laugh, which deserves mention.

Now teach me those chopsticks repeaters :]

Keep it up!

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You know i was actually gonna do a tut for several simple repeaters pretty soon. I’m waiting to get my groovy lady! :slight_smile:

Speakng of groovy ladies, tell your girlfriend her support is much appreciated! ^o^

Mad skills.


You are absolutely fantastic man.

i think you should rename every trick you do a pose or face after because the tricks would not be the same without the poses! ;D

Haha, will do buddy.

I managed to figure out the second repeater you had in there : D That tutorial sounds awesome though, I’m excited. Simple repeaters are nearly the definition of fun!

See I was thinking of doing a one year vid in February, but this video will make mine look like a novelty…

You look like your having so much fun in this video! I love the shots with all the people watching you :smiley:

Awesome vid.
Your way better than me and i’ve been yoyoing for a year too!

Nice vid, mang. Gerard Amento ain’t got nuthin’ on ya. And I like his vids a lot.

WOW! I have been yoyoing for a year since last christmas just like you but i am only half as good! I do have the disadvantage of not discovering for like three months after I started. Anyways awesome video loved all the tricks! Can’t wait for the tuts on the simple repeats!

That is amazing for one year. I’d say that “practice makes perfect” is probably the case here.
8,760 hours in a year, how many were spent throwing? :slight_smile:

Realistically, I bet I’ll have thrown over 1,500 hours in my first year (once I get there), give or take!

Thanks everybody! This is what I mean by thank you for the support, I really appreciate your comments! :slight_smile:

Love the “run the dog” trick. 8)

Nice vid!!! Not only are you sick, your great at entertaining the kids, and that always means something. ;D

not only are you a great yoyoer, but you’re a great PERFORMER and ENTERTAINER. yoyoing woulnt be as appealing to people by itself, but add showmanship, and its the greatest thing they’ve ever seen.

Great video!
I’ve also been yo’ing for about a year, but I’m far from being as good as that. But hey, I’m enjoying the hobby - so I will get there eventually.