kinda stupid for this rule, but would a throw monkey be ok???
As long as it’s a yoyo you don’t play well.
I get up on most Sundays and have “breakfast and a movie” with my kids. Pancakes anyone?
That’s what my kids and I had for b-fast too, but w/ a FH2, LOL!!!
And like Waylon said, as long as its a Yo you are not used to use’n or no good at throwing. So if you are not comfy w/ a throw monkey then that’s a great choice.
Is that s super-yo renegade or a no-jive? I’m guessing the latter, but if it’s a renegade did you get the laceration with flyway dismount yet?
Im doin’ this with my FH2, I like it but at the same time I feel it’s gathering dust in my case because it doesn’t preform at par with other yoyo’s of mine… So, from today on… Im throwing the FH2… Hopefuly by the 9th hour and 30th minute of the 6th day of year 2010 I’ll pick my G5 back up and be way better… Or maybe I’ll order a FHZ and continue my work from there… Who knows?
(I may take a break on christmas but I might not even get a yo for x-mas… )
Im glad to take the challenge!
I’m stoked to see more people are up for this challenge, we should all have a fun month w/ this. ;D
Alright… My friction sticker’s dead and I have no more… So, Imthrowing nothing but 5a on my M1 which I’ve been neglecting for some reason
LOL, I hear that, I’m on my last sticker for my FH2 also. I plan on sili recess’n it w/in a week or two, I just hope the sticker lasts that long.
Ive actually stopped yoyoing for about a month or more becuase my Grind Machine stopped working (I lost a bearing and spacer) and my only other yoyos are a velocity and Big yo so Im just hoping to get some soon… though I dont fell like paying shipping.
No it’s not a renegade, but if it was I’d do quadruple lacerations with a half-gainer with a twist and a supafly flyway dismount. Cuz I’m that good, yo.
Of course, I’m kidding. There’s no such thing as a quadruple laceration for me. I only work in odd numbers.

Ive actually stopped yoyoing for about a month or more becuase my Grind Machine stopped working (I lost a bearing and spacer) and my only other yoyos are a velocity and Big yo so Im just hoping to get some soon… though I dont fell like paying shipping.
I don’t know what NOT yoyoing has to do with this thread. However, I don’t see why you won’t throw just because your baby is broken. There’s not much the GM will do that a Velocity won’t.
Haven’t had webbernet for a few days because my modem is on its way out. I’m catching up a bit here.
Going a month with a yoyo that doesn’t do eveything you want when you want it is harder than I imagined. I thought I’d feel all righteous and zen but I was wrong. I know now I need to go pretty much all the way back to the beginning to make this work. It’s been five days and I am thoroughly humbled.
I’m struggling with the response, the weight, and the dimensions of the yoyo. It’s funny to think of how completely spoiled we are as yoyoers. 33 years ago Tom Kuhn introduced the No-Jive to the world and it was pretty much cutting edge. Many of the tricks we know today would not have been created without it and other yoyos like it. And all I want are my bearings back. I feel like a big baby and a charlatan. But a month is a month and I’ll use every opportunity I get to learn this yoyo.

I’m guessing the latter, but if it’s a renegade did you get the laceration with flyway dismount yet?
either way!
a true laceration/flyaway with a no jive is no harder than with a stock gade.
Well its been a week since Waylon posted this and I feel like giving a weekly update, plus I’m bored here at work, LOL! Most of my Yo’n has been done here at work, seems to be the only free time I get right now with all the holiday running around. I started this not able to do anything really w/ my FH2 or 5A. As of today, I’m on my game for some reason. So far I’m landing Brain Twister, 360, Nunchuck, Double or Nothing, One Hand mount, One and a Half mount, and a few mess ups that seemed to have turned into something on accident, not even know if they have a name, LOL! Well, that’s were I’m at so far w/ this challenge, I better get back to work. Enjoy fellow throwers!! ;D

Well its been a week since Waylon posted this and I feel like giving a weekly update, plus I’m bored here at work, LOL! Most of my Yo’n has been done here at work, seems to be the only free time I get right now with all the holiday running around. I started this not able to do anything really w/ my FH2 or 5A. As of today, I’m on my game for some reason. So far I’m landing Brain Twister, 360, Nunchuck, Double or Nothing, One Hand mount, One and a Half mount, and a few mess ups that seemed to have turned into something on accident, not even know if they have a name, LOL! Well, that’s were I’m at so far w/ this challenge, I better get back to work. Enjoy fellow throwers!! ;D
I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well and having fun. I’m over my little bout of frustration. I learned that the reason I wasn’t getting any more than ten secs or so of sleep was because my axle sleeve had a crack in it. There’s a bit of a learning curve to maintaining one of these fixed axle throws. I’ve decided to focus some time on picture tricks. Kids love 'em and I’d really like to get my nieces and nephews interested. Funny story… On thanksgiving I was throwing in my sister’s living room and two of my nephews were watching. I was throwing the best I had and they didn’t blink an eye. I showed them I could spell “yo” with it and they were way impressed. I just started doing Walk The Dog and other tricks like it and they were riveted. One of these days I’m going to show up at a family gathering with a box of yoyos and run an impromptu clinic for the kids.
I’m finally hitting some tricks cleanly. Like Atom Bomb and Split The Atom. Doesn’t sound like much, I know, but actually feeding some string in to the gap and not getting my knuckles busted is progress.
As far as I can tell, xminusikex is the only one sticking to his commitment. Has eveyone else dropped out already? If not, let us know how you’re doing.
Ugh, I haven’t had much time to throw between work and school, but I’ve been hitting it up with the M1 and 5A… I think my die-is just a little too heavy but Im working it… Still having a tough time with bee-sting.
I’m happy to hear you’re still going at it though.
starting christmas because…
On the first day of christmas my true love sent to me a m1 in a pear tree
on the seccond day of christmas my true love sent to me a axxxxxxxxxxiiiooooooommmmm and a m1 in a pear tree

starting christmas because…
On the first day of christmas my true love sent to me a m1 in a pear tree
on the seccond day of christmas my true love sent to me a axxxxxxxxxxiiiooooooommmmm and a m1 in a pear tree
Does your true love have a single older sister?