One Drop YoYos Official News

I fixed that for you Mat.

All that really matters is what the Ancient Astronaut Theorist believe and have to say about it. :stuck_out_tongue:



Now I fixed it for you.


Well there you have it :slight_smile: Now I understand.

Not that you will take my word for it but I can 100% verify that there is a real Db. We have talked quite a bit on line and we have talked on the phone as well. I even have his address since we have done some trading and will verify that he lives in one of the numerous cities in the world that are not Eugene, OR… I hope I have not given too much away by confirming that Db is actually a resident of this little blue marble that we all inhabit.

TL:DR version: Db is his own person and not a construct made up by the mad tinkerers at One Drop.

Sorry guys, I didn’t mean to kick anything off. I had just always seen DB closely affiliated with Onedrop so I figured that he obviously must be more than just a fan of your yoyos, especially with his crazy amount of physics knowledge. Sorry to have turned things onto a controversial tangent.

Aaaanyways, back on yo-yo related matters, this looks just lovely:

Dat blue. drools

Also, I took a CiTizen to the back of my hand yesterday and I genuinely think I have nerve damage. It hurts to move my fingers. That’s what I get for trying fancy binds… ;D

How are things with the big move going? Between the move, the Terrarian and the 2 bimetals, you guys must be pretty busy right now…

All good :slight_smile: Things are super crazy trying to balance the move and everything. But it’s going well. We are almost finished renovations and are getting ready to move. Hopefully we’ll be in there by the end of September.

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Sheesh! Look what you’ve done now… :wink:


DANG!!! I knew I was giving too much away. ;D

Wow that is an amazing shade of blue. Good job OD

So is the Rebirth kind of a Project 3?

Yes it’s Ryosuke’s signature yo-yo and you could say it’s kind of a Project 3 :slight_smile:



Any pics of rebirth?

So with the (re)renaming of Mt McKinley to Mt Denali, are there any plans for an extra special 7 Summits release?

:o :o

Unless he has some further developments from a couple days ago when I asked Da5id…
I don’t believe so. But on a lighter note…Everest will be released soon! 8)

So…more info on the Rebirth soon?