One Drop YoYos Official News

Fine folks, here is my rookie level report. Out of the box, knowing the dimensions, I didn’t find it to be as huge in hand as science would suggest. Clipped, and strung up the way OD always graciously provides, it was go time. The first landing upon a string had the heft the numbers predicted. It leapt out of that trapeze with an unexpected spring in its step. Bouncy even. Bounding toward the next maneuver. It ran just like a new sports car should. Then…well…it slowed down fast, wobbling toward the end of the roll.

Admittedly I drink all the Kool-Aid OD has to offer. This time it was tasting a little funny. I looked under the hood, blew on the bearing like an old NES game, swapped out the string, and bounced it hard off the floor as I seem to enjoy doing with every new throw… Then we were cooking! I don’t know what voodoo occured in that process, but I found the mojo I was after. This biggun is a hopping, jumping, trapeze riding, slack attacking beast that I am glad to own.

One day I will be disappointed by an OD product. It’s a numbers game, bound to happen. Today wasn’t the day. But, hey, I’m just another rookie on a journey. What do I know?