One Drop- why no more teal?

I have a question about anodizing, One Drop makes the best teal. I am curious if anyone knows why One Drop stopped making this color.

I know Saturday Market is no longer possible, but why not teal?


Sorry, dont want to derail your thread but why is SM no longer possible?


Someone else can give a more detailed answer; I believe an old anodizer is no longer available and the new one produces too many B grades.


I actually asked one drop about this but the answer just left me with more questions. They basically said it’s for the same reason they no longer are doing splashes. But it didn’t make much sense to me cuz they’re producing solid colored ano and isn’t teal just a solid color… I’ll check my email to remind what exactly was said but he told me they cannot do teal or any of the other more unique solids they do, like the different shades of green, the lilac ect.maybe those colors require some special mixing to achieve then and maybe that wasn’t coming out consistent like the splashes


That’s what I understood. That was nice for us because at the time there were massive b grade sales. But at the same time that’s A LOT of b grades.


Oh well, I love their purples, but I am always dissapointed when issues like this arise. It probably keeps the cost the same, but I know most of us would pay more for SM and other colors