One Drop Panorama

So… I guess no one asked yet… did ANYONE actually even manage to get a clear one today?


Yeah, it’s been that way for some time now. There are a few small shops doing them, but they’re pretty inconsistent as well, one batch being ok and the next not. I’ve been talking with most everyone trying copper/nickel the past few years and everyone is having the same problem. It’s such a great finish, it’s a shame no one can do it consistently.


I love UL’s in them. The one I’ve got out for ano right now is getting a set of UL brass though. They play killer in it. For me the heavier se’s make it play more solid, I like the extra “float” the UL’s give it.


You doing a custom ano on a panorama? Post picks when you can. How much does that cost about


Oi, I think I got lucky at Rewind this morning, most were sold out by the time the site loaded but I managed a solid black :muscle::muscle:


Yeah, I got 1 raw Panorama when they were first done, ano is a little slow, need to wait til some other yoyos arrive before it’ll get done. I’m jumping in with another anodizing batch. Hopefully not too long, I’m really excited about it!

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