On Uploading Videos

I’ll upload the occasional video to the forum, and it’s nice that we’re even able to do that at all.

However, it’s kind of annoying needing to upload a video to Imgur, and then to YoYoExpert.

I think it would be pretty nice to be able to upload videos directly from your photo album.



I could imagine, that that is related to server-/hostingspace for the forum.


thats true, but i also get their point of view. if they do that it puts the responsibility of vetting content on the yye team, and i don’t blame them for not wanting that responsibility


I’d imagine there’s a way to make it so that you could upload a video on the forum to Imgur using the Imgur api, though. That would be really nice.

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Literally I would’ve shared soooooo much more stuff but don’t cuz I don’t want to upload a yt vid to them link on here or so. But at the same time that’ll make running this forum like 69x more expensive so I get it. Granted I’m not technowiz but if there is some way they could do it cheaply id love that so much


What about using Instagram?

Yeah - I have been trying to think about this too. I would like to figure out something that would make it a little easier for people to share videos - but as others mentioned video takes a lot of resources so just have to figure it out! It is on the list!


Probably would need to be a third party platform still but the upload button simply triggers an api to another hosting environment like @digitalcharlie mentioned.

I would also like to be able to upload a short video (less than 1 minute) directly to the forum. I don’t have Facebook, Instagram nor do I upload anything to YouTube. It would be great to be able to share them directly from my video folder here.

A solution for you could be to post on YouTube with limited visibility only for the ones that already have the video link that you are about to share. So the video will be non existent for the average YouTube user but visible to the forum members.


Yeah I upload my youtube videos unlisted so I can share them without having to “have a youtube channel”