On the news

At the state fair, I was chosen to be on the news for my yoyoing talents.

Don’t judge my tricks or anything, it was just kind of a neat little expose’.

I’m the guy with an overshirt on.


congrats dude! i wish i could go on the news :frowning:

Cool, was the other guy a friend of yours?


What are you throwing in this?

isnt that funny they named it yoyo experts :wink:

and dude nice sideburns :stuck_out_tongue:


He won the contest that we were at when the news decided to pick us up. He was really good. Cool kid too. Watch for him.

I try

Nice bro! Congrats!

Ahhhh, I knew it looked familiar

Great stuff Q. Really nice job.

The link brings me to a different video nevermind I found it

Congrats for being in the news

wow… i want in! :slight_smile: